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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tagged by the Duchess

Directions: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with sixteen random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose some people to be tagged, listing their names and/or why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment (”you’re it”) and to read your blog. Btw, you can’t tag the person who just tagged you. (that basically means me)

1.Sometimes does yoga.

2.Doesn't wear jeans.

3.Sometimes talks aloud to himself.*

4.Still has good eyesight despite his habit reading in semi-darkness and playing computer games.

5.Was addicted to tea once.

6.And then moved on to orange juice.

7.But currently it's soya milk. **

8.Won't eat small prawns. (the really small kind)

9.Handwriting has raised more than a few eyebrows.

10.Is learning how to bebop. ***


*Helps to focus.
**It's because of the (lack of) melamine, okay?
***A church thing.

1:35 AM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Who would've thought blogging would be so difficult?

Ah well, finally got into science class, was kinda expecting the worst. "But now that it's all said and done, i can relax and let" Was pretty much my train of thought just as it got derailed, it covers my reaction when I found out about the about of time I would have to spend in school as well. Saying I was shocked is an understatement at the very least, imagine a rabbit petrified by spotlights (of any kind) and you're halfway there. But I can safely say that I didn't pass out there and then, memories of making my way back after the majority of the school left are still etched within me (not forgetting to mention that I'm still leaving later than most others).

I wonder if this is what they call the price of knowledge .

4:50 AM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

School today,was peculiar mix of emotions. Memories of forgotten homework drifted to mind in and out of focus. Amusement flashed across my face as I recall a scene in a much thumbed book of mine, while those observing me would have thought I had been annoyed by a mosquito.

After much praying, they finally decided to open an extra Science class. I was practically whooping with joy, though from my expression you'd think I kinda expected it. Basically, they asked me whether I wanted to take Pure Science(Bio,Phys & Chem) and EST or Phys, Chem drop Bio and take up ICT. Ah, decisions decisions decisions . But in the end, Pure Science and EST was what I opted for .Who knows, I might just live to regret it.

11:26 PM


age: currently 16
horoscope: leo
birthday: 10 of august
personality: not outgoin and thats enough..
Blah Blah~


teasured possession

Blah Blah~




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